- ISBN:9789571903
- 規格:精裝 / 普通級 / 初版
- 出版地:台灣
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「TEENS好文精選」定期推送《21世紀學生英文報》(TEENS)中的精選文章,部分文章配有音頻或視頻、知識點解析、測試題、課件或課程等學習和教學資源,內容豐富、形式多樣~ 今天的精選文章「 Modern lifestyles put us at risk 疫情讓我們反思原有的城市生活方式」來自《21世紀學生英文報·高一》第787期第4-5版。 ... Modern lifestyles put us at risk 疫情讓我們反思原有的城市生活方式。 Do modern lifestyles make us less safe? The spread of COVID-19 has exposed how vulnerable (易受傷害的) people are while living modern urban lifestyles. The sharing economy, working in open offices, commuting (通勤), living in crowded city apartments and reusability in the service industry have all created the perfect storm for a pandemic (疾病的大流行). Although the sharing economy may be beneficial – it’s cheaper to rent than to own – sharing things is a great way to spread virus. How does one practice 「social distancing」 when they are expected to share cars, bikes, apartments and even the same work spaces? The business trend of using open office, which can squeeze more people into a smaller space, is working against us. In this type of office, workers don』t have their own desk or work station – everything is shared. Sometimes, computers, keyboards and chairs are also shared, which is less hygienic (衛生的). This is called 「hot desking」, which is an office organization system that involves multiple workers rotating (輪流) use of a single work station. Fortunately, more employees are working from home now during the pandemic, but that won』t last forever. To get to and from work in the city, you must commute back and forth. Subways and buses are the most common forms of transportation in the city for people without cars. They are often overcrowded during rush hours, creating the perfect condition for spreading a virus. Residents (居民) of cities living in small apartments also seem to be at a disadvantage during the pandemic. This sort of living arrangement forces residents to rely on the constant availability of food and products in supermarkets. Stockpiling (囤積) daily necessities for a long period of self-isolation is nearly impossible. In order to be mindful about the environment, reusability is a common practice in the restaurant industry. Reusable cups and eating utensils (餐具) are used more often than the disposable variety. Unfortunately, reusing objects increases the chance to spread a disease. For example, Starbucks coffeehouses recently stopped refilling customers』 reusable cups in order to control the spread of the virus. No doubt people like to be social, but viruses can take advantage of our social nature, so we must be mindful to reduce our interactions with others for the time being. Perhaps it’s time for us to rethink society’s urban lifestyle to reduce the spread of future pandemics. BY MATT SADOWSKI, 21ST CENTURY TEENS STAFF ... 報紙配套課件 Quiz: Meat of the matter (P4-5) Choose the best answer 01 What do we learn from the first three paragraphs? A. People nowadays get hurt more easily than before. B. Modern lifestyles contribute to the spread of a virus. C. Modern lifestyles make it easier to practice 「social distancing.」 D. The sharing economy has more disadvantages than advantages. 02 What point do Paragraphs 4-5 make? A. How people work during the pandemic. B. How 「hot desking」 works in a company. C. Why 「hot desking」 doesn』t help during the pandemic. D. Why businesses like the trend of using open offices. 03 What is the author’s purpose in writing the article? A. To call on people to reflect on modern lifestyles. B. To compare modern and traditional lifestyles. C. To stress the importance of self-isolation during the pandemic. D. To suggest that working from home should be a standard practice. A ... 園丁學堂視頻課程 本篇文章配有「園丁學堂」視頻課程 您可使用以下方式收看課程 園丁學堂 學習方式 第一步: 公眾號中回復「2020TEENS報刊課」關鍵字,獲得課程連結。(每天14:00更新當天聽課連結) ... 第三步: 點擊課程連結直接可觀看視頻。建議優先使用電腦端觀看。聽課時還可以進行暫停、回看、隨意拉進度條等操作。手機端如遇卡頓或者無法觀看,可選擇錯峰學習或清除手機緩存重試。 ... 更多園丁學堂視頻課程,請使用以下地址收看 ... ...
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